Giving Participants permission

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Giving permission to your participants to share ideas, use colour, add their personal expression and even illustrate their feedback can add excitement and respect.

IDEA 1: Use flip chart paper from normal stationers, or speak to your local butcher and purchase some of their white wrapping paper. This can be an economical alternative.

IDEA 2: If you are an IKEA customer, you might investigate the rolls of white paper that are housed in the children’s  area. These rolls last for some time. This paper can also be used for trainer input utilising the  premade charts & illustrations, or even quiz boards developed the day before delivery. They can add colour and a fun atmosphere with charts already hung before the start of the training session.

IDEA 3: A brilliant idea if you are limited in hangers or use of bluetac  at the venue. 3M  have a Post It Wall Pad, which provides a sticky edge to hang the sheet. While not an economical option, it is a great resource.

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